Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category

Fresh reviews from LiteraryNymphs and Mrs. Giggles!

We’ve gotten some great reviews lately, and I realized that I hadn’t shared any of them.

Scandalous Minx at Literary Nymphs has given us 4 1/2 nymphs!

“The Balance of Silence is a well written sci-fi saga that reflects on second chances, forgiveness, acceptance and finding love. Reesa Herberth and Michelle Moore have created a compelling story with two great characters.”

And from Mrs. Giggles comes this lovely quote:

“Despite being set in a Mos Eisley Cantina-style setting, The Balance Of Silence has very little action. This is a romance with more internal conflict and character study than fireworks. The lack of action is compensated amply by the poetic relationship developing between Riv and Ducks, however. These two men are both damaged inside, and it is a beautiful kind of catharsis to see them slowly heal in each company’s however.”
If you’ve reviewed The Balance of Silence, be sure to let us know. We’re appreciative of all the readers who have spent their time with us.